Despite numerous delays, foul ups and false promises my new friend and co-worker Chris and I delivered on a volunteer project to provide streaming video of the Red Wolves at the Chattanooga Nature Center. This all came about after a call from another person who works at the Nature Center called looking for information on how they could provide streaming video of the Red Wolves and their puppies similar to the live feed they have at the Tennessee Aquarium for the penguin exhibit.
A long story short the company I work for volunteered to provide the media server portion of this project and 3 weeks ago we began the saga the ended today. The nature center was to provide the video cameras (they already had those), a video device to capture the video from and an encoding server to compress the raw video into a stream suitable for broadcasting to many people. They got all of this up and running the first of the week and it was up to us to finish the rest. We finally got it working today with 5 minutes to spare before the official work day ended.
Yes, this was very last minute and looks very unprofessional but it did get done and will be much smoother from here on in. If you would like to check out my handiwork take a look. During the day is the best time because the wolves may actually be doing something. At night they are generally sleeping which makes for a pretty boring scene.
Try this link instead:
(Drewcifer added multiple camera controls.)