If you actually do pay attention to this blog you will notice that my posting has slacked off for awhile. The grip of summer heat has finally let go and cool fall temperatures have settled in. I have been real busy with work and not wanting to touch the computer after I get home when I do most of my posts here so they have not been happening.
So what have I been up to? The cooler weather has encouraged me to start running again a few times a week. I have worked back up to 3.5-4 miles at a reasonable pace (for me) and hope to be up to 6 soon. I don’t currently have any events lined up that I am training for but I have been considering the Families on the Run 10K that falls around my birthday and the 5K Grateful Gobbler that happens the morning of Thanksgiving. If anybody wants to have a good time before you stuff yourself to the gills with Turkey you should come and participate in the Grateful Gobbler.
I need to be unemployed for a few months.