Where were you?
If you missed the show at JJs last night then I regret to inform you that you missed a happening. You know what I am talking about. One of those events that people will be talking about for years to come with quotes like:
‘Yeah, I was there. He dumped my beer on my head.’
‘You should have seen it when he dumped a trashcan full of crap on the drummer and he kept right on playing without missing a beat.’
Yes all these things did happen and only 75 people were there to witness it. As a bonus Giant Tiger opened up and they sounded better than ever but the real icing on the cake was Monotonix. It was Easter, they are from Israel and they rocked the house. If you were there then you are one of the lucky ones.
On a side note here are some links to new music that I have found recently:
birushanah – akai yami – Japanese Extreme Metal in the vein of Zeni Geva
If you are doing bike camping, we are doing horse camping. THe bike trails are the same as the horse trails at Pigeon Mountain and The Pinhoti trails. We’ve got the maps and the horsies aren’t afraid of bikes, so it might be fun to get together at a camp site. I have horse for rob, as I doubt he could do the biking thing;)