I left work early yesterday to watch the final descent of stage 3 of the Tour de Georgia as it came off Lookout Mountain down Ochs Hwy. into St. Elmo. I was at the bottom of Ochs Hwy. as the cyclists came by and they were hauling major ass. There was a breakaway group in the lead that was about 30 minutes ahead of the peleton. I don’t know how fast they were going but I have heard it was around 60mph. If that number is correct then I am truly impressed.
My friend TD was in town tonight and we met up at Pisa Pizza, a hip little pizza joint in my neighborhood that is managed by my brother. Before this I ran 2.5 miles, a short little distance but it was nice to get out in the fine weather and get some exercise. Any good I did with the running I am sure was undone by the 4 slices of pizza I ate but what the hell.