As my friends are well aware my wife and I are big movie nerds. I am not a big horror movie fan but we recently went to see 28 weeks later and it was perhaps the best film I have seen since Pans Labrinthe. If you have no seen either of these films check them out.
In the coming weeks I am looking forward to several more films especially Shrek the Third. The first 2 Shrek films have been filled with some of the best pop culture references of any film I have ever seen and I expect the 3rd one will not let me down. On the summer blockbuster list I want to see the Transformers movie. I know it is a Michael Bay film and that it is going to be crap but it should be some marvelous eye candy. Finally I want to see the latest installment of the Bourne series. These have been some of the best action films made in the past 10 years and Matt Damon pulls it off well. The last one on my list is sure to be another stinker but my comic book nerd fanboy side is played like a puppet when you mention the Silver Surfer and it just so happens the 2nd Fantastic Four film (the 1st was terrible) is all about my man and his cosmic surfboard. Perhaps we may see a trace of Galactus? We shall find out soon enough.